Tuesday, April 23, 2013

TI - Targeted Individual part 2

Born into the hands of my enemies. Raised in a world where every aspect of life was manipulated by them. Always surrounded by people who would lie about me. Always surrounded by people who wanted to keep me from ever having friends. To keep me from having love. To keep me from ever succeeding at anything. To be sure that I would always be hated and despised no matter where I went.

At the age of 41, after a lifetime of being controlled and manipulated, all of their work came together and was produced into a grand public deception. A public deception so vast, so complete and so severe that an entire nation was raised up against me.

It was meant to destroy me. The sheer weight and enormity of such extreme hatred suddenly being directed at me by literally millions of people was meant to not only crush my soul but to destroy my mind, my hopes, my will and to keep me from ever overcoming it or rising up above it.

Well, I thank God for His Mercy. God has used my enemies. They thought they were using me. I now know why God allowed them such control over me. It was to teach me. To teach me about my enemies. God has used my enemies, who are also the enemies of my Lord, to expose their mystery schools, their evil philosophy and their desire to rule the world and destroy humanity. God has used my enemies, to teach me how my enemies have manipulated and deceived the world for millennium.

God has always been with me. In the darkest moments of despair and loneliness, in the greatest moments of danger and peril, God has always brought me through. Not only did God bring me through but He taught me about His Love. God has let me experience His presence. God has taught me about mercy and forgiveness. God has taught me about His greatness. God has taught me about His omnipresence.

God has given me all the tools I need to defeat my enemies. It doesn't matter how rich and powerful they are. It doesn't matter how well established they are. It doesn't matter how many people they have turned against me.

It doesn't matter that the vast majority of people totally believe the deception and propaganda that has been promoted against me. It doesn't matter how long they have had to plan and prepare. God's plans will endure. God is not intimidated by their knowledge; the knowledge that they have kept hidden from the world. The truth and wisdom of God shall endure and God gives freely to all who seek it.

Even though lawyers and public officials lie to me and deny me equal protection of the law, my enemies have left me with an avenue to justice none the less. It will be God who leads me down that path to Justice. I will find someone to believe in me. I will find someone to take up my cause. Or maybe, instead, they will find me. Either way, I believe in the oneness of all of creation and I know that Truth and Justice will prevail.

God is Love. God is Great. God is Merciful. God is All-Wise. God is Majestic.

Beautiful is His name.

By the Grace of my God, I shall overcome.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Songkran Festival 2013 สงกรานต์ หนองคาย - YouTube

In the Thai Court of "Public Opinion" in which have I have been found guilty; the Thai media is the prosecutor, the citizens whose opinions are controlled by the media are the jurist as well as the executioners and the Thai government is the judge.

I have no lawyer, no voice, no opportunity to speak and in fact I am not even allowed in the court room. In fact, the prosecutors are the ones breaking the law and the judge blatantly lies and ignores the rule of law.

I have not broken any laws. The video that has been promoted by the Thai media and that has been the main excuse for the vile hatred, I did not make. I had no knowledge of it's existence. I know that I am not the kind of person that deserves such cruel treatment. I strongly suspect that hypnosis was used in the creation of the video. Hypnosis, invasion of privacy and any other number of criminal acts were used in the creation of that video. I am being denied the truth so that I will not have any proof of the crimes committed against me by the makers of the video nor the promoters of the video.

The Thai media has been given permission by the Thai government to break any law they wish in persecuting me. The citizens are allowed to break any laws that they wish in serving me my punishment and they have been instructed to disregard any claim of innocence on my behalf.
The Thai media has total control of any and all information concerning their persecution of me.
I have been condemned in the Thai Court of Public Opinion to a life sentence of mind deprivation, severe harassment and discrimination without ever having been given the chance to defend myself.

I need a Lawyer, someone to stand up for my basic human rights, my basic legal rights that I may have Equal Protection of the Law.

Songkran Festival 2013 สงกรานต์ หนองคาย - YouTube