Sunday, August 21, 2011

Deceit (English & ไทย & Italiano)

People think it's a joke. Everyone thinks I am a liar and just plain crazy.

If I am crazy, then why do public officials have to

lie to me about what Thaitv3 has done to me?

The truth is being kept from me so that I won't have any proof.

If I am crazy, then what is the harm in telling me

the truth about what Thaitv3 has done to me?

The problem with telling me the truth is that;

I am not crazy, I never made a video nor did I want to be famous.

If someone tells you that a t.v. station is talking about them, saying hateful things about them and telling lies about them; you would probably think that they were crazy.

If they then tell you that there are songs on the radio about them too; then you would know that they are crazy.

The problem with this scenario is that; all of these things are true, Thai media is full of talk, hatred and lies about me and there are numerous songs on the radio about me.

What has and is being done to me is torture. It is mind deprivation.

To know that a video has been made of you; a video made of embarrassing moments; and also knowing that the video was edited and manipulated to not only embarrass you but to create falsehoods, deceit and to cause extreme hatred towards you; and to know that the video has been promoted by a t.v. station; and to know that every where you go people recognize you, hate you and are laughing at you; and to know that everyone in your family as well as everyone else is lying to you about it and telling you that it isn't true, your just imagining it; and then to not be able to get anyone to believe you; and to know that the people who have committed these crimes against me are laughing so much because they think they will never be held accountable....IT IS TORTURE!

My enemies are rich, powerful and established. No matter where I go or what I do; they will always be there; making sure that I am surrounded by people who will continue to lie about me. So that no one will ever believe me, trust me or take me seriously.

Unless someone is willing to tell the truth, those that have done these things to me will continue to go unpunished. Isn't there any one with some integrity?

I need Truth. I need Justice.

I am being denied Equal Protection of the Law in the U.S. and in Thailand.

Dear God, Please let someone hear my plea. According to Your Word, let it be unto Your servant O God. Let Truth and Justice prevail O God, in Jesus name I ask it. Amen.

Thaitv3 กับผมหรือเปล่า
Thaitv3 ให้ฉันได้หรือไม่
t.v. สถานีมีการพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับพวกเขาว่าสิ่งเกี่ยวกับพวกเขาแสดงความเกลียดชังและบอกอยู่เรื่องเกี่ยวกับพวกคุณอาจจะคิดว่าพวกเขาบ้า
มันเป็น การกีดกัน ใจ
 วิดีโอที่ทำในช่วงเวลาที่น่าอาย; และนอกจากนี้ยังทราบว่าวิดีโอที่มีการแก้ไขและจัดการที่ไม่เพียง แต่ทำให้อึดอัดใจคุณ แต่เพื่อสร้างความเท็จความหลอกลวงและก่อให้เกิดความเกลียดชังอย่างรุนแรงต่อคุณและจะรู้ว่า วิดีโอที่ได้รับการส่งเสริมโดยทีวี สถานีและที่จะรู้ว่าทุกที่ที่คุณไปคนรู้จักคุณเกลียดคุณและหัวเราะที่คุณและรู้ว่าทุกคนในครอบครัวของคุณเช่นเดียวกับคนอื่น กำลังนอนอยู่กับคุณเกี่ยวกับมันและบอกคุณว่ามันไม่เป็นความจริง เพียงจินตนาการของคุณและแล้วที่ไม่สามารถที่จะได้รับทุกคนที่จะเชื่อว่าคุณและที่จะรู้ว่าคนที่มีความมุ่งมั่นที่อาชญากรรมเหล่านี้กับฉันหัวเราะมากขนาดนั้นเพราะพวกเขาคิดว่าพวกเขาจะไม่ต้องรับผิด .... ไอที การทรมานเป็น!
ไม่ว่าฉันจะไปหรือสิ่งที่ฉันทำ; พวกเขามักจะมี; ให้แน่ใจว่าฉันล้อมรอบไปด้วยผู้คนที่จะยังคงโกหกเกี่ยวกับฉัน เพื่อที่ว่าไม่มีใครเลยที่จะเชื่อฉันเชื่อฉันหรือให้ฉันอย่างจริงจัง
พระเจ้ารัก, โปรดแจ้งให้คนที่ได้ยินคำวิงวอนของฉัน ตามคำของคุณให้มันจงมีแก่ผู้รับใช้ของคุณโอพระเจ้า ให้ความจริงและความยุติธรรมเหนือกว่าข้า แต่พระผู้เป็นเจ้า, ในชื่อของพระเยซูฉันขอให้มัน สาธุ

La gente pensa che sia uno scherzo. Tutti pensano che io sono un bugiardo e semplicemente folle.

Se io sono pazzo, allora perché i funzionari pubblici devono

mentire a me di quello che Thaitv3 ha fatto a me?

La verità viene tenuto da me in modo che non avrò alcuna prova.

Se io sono pazzo, allora cosa c'è di male nel raccontare me

la verità su quanto Thaitv3 ha fatto a me?

Il problema di dirmi la verità è che;

Io non sono pazzo, io non ho mai fatto un video e nemmeno io voglio essere famoso.

Se qualcuno vi dice che una t.v. stazione si parla di loro, dicendo cose odiose su di loro e raccontare bugie su di loro, si sarebbe probabilmente pensa che erano pazzi.

Se poi vi dico che ci sono canzoni alla radio su di loro troppo, poi si sa che sono pazzo.

Il problema con questo scenario è che, tutte queste cose sono vere, tailandese media sono pieni di parlare, odio e menzogne su di me e ci sono numerose canzoni alla radio su di me.

Quello che è e si sta facendo per me è tortura. E privazione mente.

Sapere che un video è stato fatto di voi, un video fatto di momenti imbarazzanti, e anche sapendo che il video è stato editato e manipolato a non mettere in imbarazzo, ma solo per creare falsità, l'inganno e per provocare odio estremo verso di voi e di sapere che il video è stato promosso da una tv stazione, e sapere che ogni dove si va la gente si riconosce, si odiano e si ride di voi e di sapere che tutta la tua famiglia così come tutti gli altri è mentire a proposito di questo e dire che non è vero , il vostro basta immaginare, e poi non essere in grado di ottenere a chiunque di credere di voi e di sapere che le persone che hanno commesso questi crimini contro di me si ride tanto perché pensano che non saranno mai chiamati a rispondere .... IT E 'TORTURA!

I miei nemici sono ricchi, potenti e stabilito. Non importa dove vado e cosa faccio, ma sarà sempre lì, fare in modo che io sono circondato da persone che continueranno a mentire su di me. In modo che nessuno potrà mai mi creda, mi creda o prendermi sul serio.

A meno che qualcuno è disposto a dire la verità, quelli che hanno fatto queste cose a me continueranno a restare impuniti. Non c'è nessuno con un po integrità?

Ho bisogno di verità. Ho bisogno di giustizia.

Io sono negato eguale tutela da parte della legge negli Stati Uniti e in Thailandia.

Caro Dio, Vi preghiamo di qualcuno ascolta la mia supplica. Secondo la Tua Parola, che sia verso il tuo servo o Dio. Lasciate che la verità e la giustizia prevalgano O Dio, nel nome di Gesù lo chiedo. Amen.

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